This section is for the major resources for the beginner and expert
alike. It can be SO hard to hear that diagnosis, but a little bit of reading will
help you know that you are NOT ALONE in dealing with this. It may not be the road we
pictured ourselves on, but it's a well worn path. We've planted our flowers to make
the journey easier, if you find any gems, please share them for the sake of the person
behind you.
* ARI (Autism Research Institute) - This
organization is a clearing house for information and research on educational and medical
treatments for autism through a quarterly newsletter, databases of autism
information pamphlets and books. Dr. Rimland has also spearheaded the DAN! protocol,
a medical alternative treatment outline developed a group of knowledgeable professionals
throughout the world. 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 281-7165,
Autism Society
of America
CAN Cure Autism Now
Center for the Study of Autism (an affiliate of
the Autism Research Institute), Portland, Oregon, USA
Includes: Overview of Autism; Subgroups and Related Disorders; Issues;
Interventions; Temple Grandin; Sibling Center; Other Information; Other Autism
Related Resources on the Internet (links) including: General Resources, Mostly Links,
Oregon Web Sites, Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) Group Members, Subgroups and Related Disorders,
Nutrition Related, Educational and Interventions, Research, Internet Resources. (from Lisa
Hyperlexia (Contributed by Mary
Looking Up -
National Alliance for Autism
"Ooops...Wrong Planet!
Syndrome" web page of Janet Norman-Bain of Oyster Bed Bridge, Prince Edward
Island, Canada; an adult with Aspergers who has a son with Autism Includes: Autism information
(includes web pages of people with autism,
First Hand Accounts, etc.); Autism mail lists, Newsgroup and forums; Autism Links
(more than 300); Autism in other languages; Internet Relay Chat; Searching the net;
Communication options; Favorite sites from janet's bookmarks. (From Lisa S.)
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of
Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children
What can I do to help my child - Why does my child have autism/gut trouble?
ARI (Autism Research Institute) - This organization is a clearing house for information
and research on educational and medical treatments for autism through a quarterly
newsletter, databases of autism questionnaires, information pamphlets and books. Dr.
Rimland has also spearheaded the DAN! protocol, a medical alternative treatment outline
developed a group of
knowledgeable professionals throughout the world. 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA
92116 (619) 281-7165,
Future Horizons - This organization publishes autism literature and puts on autism
workshops throughout America and other countries. 720 North Fielder Road, Arlington,
TX 76012,
The Morning News - This quarterly newsletter informally shares practical information
among parents and professionals working on the behalf of people with autism.
Articles address various concerns and share ideas which amplify social stories and related
techniques and materials. See webbsite for sample issue. Jenison High School, 2140
Bauer Road, Jenison, MI 49428 (616) 457-8955,
Oasis - Online
Asperger Syndrome Information & Support - very nice page
Email List help
Karen's webpage of the Big
list of Lists
Books for Understanding Children with Autism
It goes without saying the most cost-effective way to obtain these books is through the
library and borrowing from other parents and professionals. Some books are mainstream and
can be found in national bookstore chains. For the ones that aren't, most of them can be
ordered from ARI, Future Horizons and some chapters of the Autism Society of America.
Recommended Books
