7 Ways of Learning
(By Tammy Glaser)
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) or Lovaas - Behavioral Intervention for Young
children with Autism edited by Catherine Maurice - This book outlines how to
establish ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) in early intervention programs for
children with autism. There are many organizations throughout the country
dedicated to the ABA method--this book will indicate resources for starting an
ABA program. Available from ARI. 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA 92116
(619) 281-7165 http://www.autism.com/ari
ABA Software World Enabling Resources Unltd. Inc; 5231 Pinetree Road;
Coral Springs Florida 33067, ph#954-341-2878
* Dr. Greenspan's "floor time"
method of helping children with autism. Dr. Greenspan works from
Bethesda, MD, and has also been a big part in developing the Unicorn Foundation
for children with autism. His website, and a directory to related professionals
is http://www.saveachild.com/index.shtml
The specialized preschool that H. attended used a method very similar, and the
Director studied for a couple of summers with Dr. Greenspan. So I think it is
worth learning about. It is a way of teaching interaction and play skills
through compassionate shaping. We sure saw a great deal of advancement in our son
with this method, so I would encourage others to see if it might be of help for
their child or children. (from Lisa S)
This approach targets all aspects of development through the use
of Floor Time. Floor Time is a series of techniques that helps open and
close circles of communication in order to foster the child’s interaction
development. Floor Time is unstructured interaction directed by the interests of
the child. Unicorn Children’s Foundation, 5401 Northwest Broken Sound
Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 33487 (561) 989-1133, UnicornCF@aol.com
Different Roads to
Learning - catalog with many different things for ABA
Edmark - This catalog has print materials and programs for helping teach
special children in addition to the children's educational software on the
market. Attn: Customer Service, P.O. Box 97021, Redmond,
WA 98073-9721 (800) 691-2986, edmarkteam@edmark.com,
* HWWOT (Handwriting without Tears)
- This handwriting book was developed by an occupational therapist, gives
great tips for teaching handwriting and uses a slate chalkboard method for
practicing motor plans to reduce frustration. Jan Z. Olsen, OTR Handwriting
Without Tears, Inc., 8001 Mac Arthur Blvd., Cabin John, MD 20818
Jeanne Lyons The CD is $15 , S & H $2 and the cassette is $10...add $1 for S $ H... write
Jeanne Lyons' Tunes for Knowing and Growing, Inc.,
P.O. Box 72857, Marietta, GA 30007
PCI Educational Publishing http://www.pcicatalog.com
Pro-Ed - This organization publishes, produces, and sells books, curricular
and therapy materials, tests and journals dedicated to the issues of psychology;
special education; rehabilitation; gifted education; and speech, language and
hearing. Pro-Ed's materials can be used by parents, students and
8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, TX 78757 (800) 897-3202,
info@proedinc.com, http://www.proedinc.com
NACD (National Academy for Child Development) - This international
organization of parents and professionals help children and adults reach their
full potential. Founded by educator and lecturer Robert J. Doman, Jr.,
NACD designs very specific home educational and therapeutic programs. P.O. Box
380, Huntsville, UT 84317 (801) 621-8606, nacdinfo@nacd.org,
Son-Rise Progray by The Option Institute - a
unique way of working with developmentally challenged children and adults. It's
based on the methods the Kaufman's used to help their son as described in the
book "Sonrise." 2080 South Undermountain Road, Sheffield, MA
01257-9643 (413) 229-2100, happiness@option.org
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication
handicapped Children) - This organization is dedicated to improving the
understanding and services for autistic and communication handicapped children
and their families. TEACCH provides training and conduct research through
services such as books, journal articles, workshops, etc. Division TEACCH
Administration and Research, CB# 7180, 31 0 Medical School Wing E, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7180 (919) 966-2174, teacch@unc.edu,
World Enabling Resources Unltd. It is: http://www.weru.com
(ABA Provider) (from Sherry F)
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